Photo by Ian Douglas
From Stephanie Skura, long-time SRT teacher-trainer & core SRT faculty, currently instigator & director of Open Source Forms:
Saturday through Wednesday
18 – 22 December 2021
10 AM – 12 PM Seattle time [zoom]
[In your own time zone: https://www.worldtimebuddy.com]
Join us! We’re inviting those with at least one week experience in Open Source Forms or Skinner Releasing Technique to join current OSF teacher trainees online for a series of five sessions facilitated by Stephanie Skura and Susanna Hood.
These sessions encompass introductory material regularly offered during the second introductory week of OSF Workshops. (Some improvisation also included!)
Because material in the first Introductory week is most often taught in both OSF & SRT, many have experienced this basic OSF & SRT again & again during one-week workshops. This is an opportunity to move on into some of the fascinating territory that exists beyond.
For those who’ve experienced the first Introductory week of SRT or OSF and long to ‘get under the strategic skin’ of Open Source Forms by joining our next Sourcing Deeper Program in June 2022 in Seattle **, Beyond Beginnings will give you the required prerequisites. Prerequisites for OSF Sourcing Deeper are the first two weeks of Introductory level OSF or SRT. And OSF Sourcing Deeper is a required prerequisite for applications to OSF Teacher Certification Programs.
Once again, we offer three payment options: full, online, & out-of-work price. Full price participants, THANK YOU for helping subsidize those who are, sadly, still out of work due to the pandemic .
** More info on OSF Sourcing Deeper: https://opensourceforms.com/programs-2/sourcing-deeper/