A new book entitled ‘Body and Awareness’ will probably catch the attention of anyone interested in SRT. Ironic, perhaps, if one remembers that Joan Skinner discouraged SRT teachers from using the word ‘body’ (though she was keen on ‘awareness’). She used the term ‘physical self’ instead, to suggest that mind and body are not separate. But this new collection, edited by Sandra Reeve, of chapters by twenty movement practitoners, brings together a rich and diverse range of experiences and perspecives on ‘body’ and ‘awareness’ in such a way that the possible meanings of both words are greatly expanded and enriched. This is very much in the spirit of SRT, and SRT folk may find much in it that deepens their movement practice and their understanding of it. Chapters on ‘The Poetic Body’ and ‘The Imaginary Body’ (the latter by SRT teacher Alex Crowe) may be of particular interest.
Link: https://www.triarchypress.net/awareness.html